This page was created for your convenience with the intention of displaying links to and information on helpful software for your computer, smartphone and tablet. This is not a software host, but refers only to the creators of free software downloads. Although most of the software listed on this website has been tested and scanned for viruses, Envelope Mart is not liable if a particular program would contain a virus, spyware, malware or would cause any damage to your computer or data. We cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from visiting or downloading these or any other links associated with our website. We highly recommend you install a trusted anti-virus software on your computer or network for safety.
Send Large FilesThe easiest way to send large files, no registration required! Transfer files FREE via email.
7-Zip for WindowsSend files easier and faster by zipping them before uploading with this FREE zip software.
Adobe Acrobat ReaderMost current software to open and read pdf files.
WinZip for Mac & WindowsPut all your files in a folder then use this software to compress the folder which allows for easier online transfer and upload.
Open Office for WindowsAllows you to easily open and edit Microsoft Word and Excel files.
Primo PDF for WindowsAllows you to create PDF files from most any software if you are not using Adobe products.
QR Code Reader for AndroidEnables any Android phone or tablet to "read" printed Quick Response codes.
QR Code Reader for iPhoneEnables any OS phone or tablet to "read" printed Quick Response codes.
Windows Live Movie MakerCombine video and/or photos with copy and music to create videos suitable for social media.