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2639 Tracy Road
Northwood, OH 43619
View A Proof


Our award-winning in-house graphic design and prepress team can create new designs from your initial concept or simply receive your electronic print-ready artwork. Since proofing is an important process in the final stage before we produce your project, we go to great lengths to ensure accuracy by always providing you with a final proof before we print. For more information contact us at 1-800-356-7241 or click to email and one of our knowledgeable team members will get back to you soon.


  • High resolution PDF files with correct color separations are preferred
  • Adobe InDesign original files packaged with graphics and fonts
  • Adobe Illustrator original files with outlined fonts and embedded graphics
  • Adobe Photoshop original files saved in psd format
  • We cannot accept any Microsoft files for artwork, i.e. Word, Excel, Publisher, etc.


  • Click here to upload files under 2GB to our website
  • Click here to send oversized files and email to
  • Mail files on CD/DVD or USB flash drive to: Orders, Envelope Mart USA, PO Box 307, Toledo OH 43697 and include your PO# for the job
Have a team member contact me:
First Name *
Last Name *



  • In order to avoid unnecesary delays when sending art you MUST include your PO #, date job needed, your name and company name, email and phone number.
  • Do not use rasterized artwork - all photos and graphics must be at least 300 dpi or they will appear "fuzzy."
  • We cannot guarantee the integrity of supplied drop shadows.
  • All documents must be prepared as spot colors or CMYK - if we need to convert from RGB you many see an unexpected difference in color.
  • Artwork and copy should be at least 1/4" away from the edge
  • Art Preparation Guidelines
  • Raster vs Vector Art - what's the difference?
  • Copy Position Relative to Flap
  • How to Measure Envelopes